in order to releive Cable manufaturing Companies whome may wish to produce the 300 + or 600 + Mile Bridge size cable I Need to pull this Star ship out from under this Stae of Arkansas we must use atleast 1 or more reasonable shipping Routes = Avenues. this big size cable could be rag'ed unto Souix Falls and the taken by rail unto the Iowa Stae Line.or kept in one peace and strang out over flat bed trailors.yet this many rail road cars hath naut been attempted unto this Date with in U:S History.the Wheel Pulley's and Tall Poles to Hold the Wire or cables up off of Farmers Fields and Fences could be accomplished at an fairley economical Price. and would keep shipping cost way down for the cable supplier's.yet in School we lurn things about Spider webs that we also find in the Fishing industry as well.Ti'z naut =not the Size of the Cable nor Wire's instead it is the Raw Tensile Strength .Examples of Huge Bass being pulled in on small Tess Fishing Line teaches us sum thing about Logistics and Future Engineering Task that we together as A = 1 10 Finger and 10 Toes said to be Human Being species could pull off at this Date with in our own U:S and World that they Goverment investigators Know that My Face and body were once in the T:A:P:S photo album and the J:C;Penney Stores also.paying for these Task should be an easy Task for my Corperate Headquarters.yet remember I had been missing for sum Time now and other persons had sneaked in and taken my place to steal my Wealth.yet never the less.Even the Mighty West Point and Fort Bragg N;C know my face and the facts.that qwe must work together by Land By Sea & By Air to Set Project Freedom unto Successful Completion. High School students aurt naut amuned to having great Ideas.dont worry she or it was one Tough ship any skid marking Ideas or the 4 main Rails I had planned would naut hurt this Star ship one little Bit.if its Ionized Shield is still working the Arkansas Soil and Rock should slide off her or it pretty easily.yet we must keep watch and go slow giving the animals and Bugs Time to prep for the sudden drop from up high unto valley level low.& if the support pillers aurt 300 Ft across it would be easy to figure in how may large Bridge type steel beem's will be needed.yet those have been being shiped for years's up unto You me and our future Engineer's now.we shoot for the Target expulsion Date of June the 9th,2010.yet if it take sum time longer than that than thats just the way it is.each step must be planned flawless.then we may swing Her tail end over the Gulf and nose Her or it into our coastal ship Repair Yards.this will be faze 2 of this Project:you all get to watch.
Answer :
I'm not sure of what you're asking. But if you're looking to make cables for a bridge, I believe that the construction companies usually set up facilities at the bridge construction site to spin the cables together. Go with railroads, if the tracks exist.
Answer :
Wow, such spelling and punctuatiion, forget the whole joke.
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