Do any of you realize that are constitutional rights are being taking away day by day. Obama passed a bill that would extend the Patriot Act. Under this act you can be arrested and detained without the right to an attorney or even a trial. All they have to do is say you are a terrorist, then you automatically get no rights and can be sent over seas and legally tutored. Doesn't the Constitution give you a right to a fair trial. So according to this act, I can be arrested for making statements about the NWO according to this act, so not only do I not get a right to an attorney or trial, I also get arrested for freedom of speech. Their is also a law called Martial Law. The president is waiting for the right moment to declare it, if this is declared the president can do what ever they want and we have no say in the matter. We are not fighting a war on terror, its about oil profits and building bases in Iraq. Pretty soon we will have to have microchips implanted in us to protect the U.S. from future terrierst attacks. The world trade center was also an inside job, the government ether did it, or they allowed it to happen and knew about it, ether way, they wanted it to happen. By creating a fake war that never existed, the president is allowed to pass laws that get ready for the NWO. Even global warming is a scam to allow the NWO to rise to power. I'm not saying that the president is responsible for all of this, its also the banks that own are government. Did you know that Bush signed an agreement that would erase all boarders between Mexico, U.S., and Canada ignoring all migration laws. Don't you see, the middle class is going to be wiped out and we will be a slave to the rich and the government's for generations to come. Ron Paul knows best what is happening and wants a revelation. We can't allow a one world government because history tends to repeat itself, power corrupts. Did you know that the U.S. also has concentration camps in the U.S. They are called FEMA camps. These will be used if anyone resist the microchips or the NWO.……………………
Additional Details
I just gave you links that supports my evidence, why don't you view them first before you call it crazy. You have been brain washed by your government and schools that the government protects us.
Answer :
Those who portend that the New World Order (NWO, Illuminati, and such) is not real are either too lazy to do research, being cute, are shills who disavow (or make fun of believers) intentionally to dilute the issue, or just lack the mental capacity to comprehend the condition of mankind. There is plenty of evidence of the existence of the Illuminati, how they were commissioned by Rothschild and crew, and how they've started splinter groups (Skull-Bones, CFR, etc) in order to make lots of money at our expense. If you dare, read and study The Creature of Jekyll Island, end to end, for an absolutely brilliant presentation of facts.
Neo-cons and liberals both deny that their favorites were part of it: Prescott Bush (skull &bones, trading with enemy), Geo HW Bush (skull & bones, cia), Jimmy Carter (Tri-lateral commission), Clinton (Rhodes scholar), Geo W Bush (skull & bones), Cheney (head of CFR), and the list goes on and on.
The Illuminati was commissioned by Mayer Amschel Rothschild to be the operatives they needed so to corrupt politicians, start and finance wars and more. I would not use Dan Brown's stuff to characterize the Illuminati, and I would stay away from theories of aliens, UFOs, Fema camps, and mystical powers that don't exist.
Cecil Rhodes made one of the world's greatest fortunes of the 19th century. Financed by Nathan Rothschild and the Bank of England, he established a monopoly over the diamond output of South Africa and most of the gold as well. He formed a secret society which included many of the top leaders of British government. Their elitist goal was nothing less than world domination and the establishment of a modern feudalist society controlled by themselves through the world's central banks. In American, the Coucil of Foreign Relations (CFR) was an outgrowth of that group.
[see Creature from Jekyll Island, pages 208-210)
J.P.Morgan Sr was brought into banking by his father, Junius Morgan, in England. The Morgans were friendly competitors with the Rothschilds and became socially close to them. Morgan's London-based firm was saved from financial ruin in 1857 by the Bank of England over which the Rothschilds held great influence. Thereafter, Morgan appears to have served as a Rothschild financial agent and went to great lengths to appear totally American.
Jacob Schiff was a Rothschild agent. Their lineage was very closely tied in Germany. Schiff, Morgan, Warburg, Aldrich, and others formed the cartel that we know today as the federal reserve, the biggest scam in history. And every nation that create fiat money as there national currency died by it.
This stuff is fact.
Create more debt (whether by wars or social programs) and these guys get rich.……………………
Answer :
because they still want to believe the fairytale they were sold in junior high social studies.
you can always tell when someone doesn't want to face facts because their first tactical move is usually to call names.
"crazy" "conspiracy theorist" blah, blah, blah
Answer :
This is true. I think obama is part of Americans punishment from God. For abortion and for people accepting Gays. When a country gets away from God, more of their freedom is taken away. We are living in the last days before the tribulation period. If you take the mark of the beast and the microchip you will not go to Heaven. if you don't take it you will probably be killed.
Answer :
LOL i am laugh my *** off at you mate i bet you have your tin hat on right now stop Obama reading your mind.
Thats the responce you would get off a sheep.
Seriously though dont get to worried about the NWO its happening in the name of progress look after your family and get to know your community and thats all you can do never resort to violence and remember there are alot of people making alot of money writing books about the NWO so please dont believe everything.
At the moment you still have food on your plate so just count your blessing
Answer :
Those who portend that the New World Order (NWO, Illuminati, and such) is not real are either too lazy to do research, being cute, are shills who disavow (or make fun of believers) intentionally to dilute the issue, or just lack the mental capacity to comprehend the condition of mankind. There is plenty of evidence of the existence of the Illuminati, how they were commissioned by Rothschild and crew, and how they've started splinter groups (Skull-Bones, CFR, etc) in order to make lots of money at our expense. If you dare, read and study The Creature of Jekyll Island, end to end, for an absolutely brilliant presentation of facts.
Neo-cons and liberals both deny that their favorites were part of it: Prescott Bush (skull &bones, trading with enemy), Geo HW Bush (skull & bones, cia), Jimmy Carter (Tri-lateral commission), Clinton (Rhodes scholar), Geo W Bush (skull & bones), Cheney (head of CFR), and the list goes on and on.
The Illuminati was commissioned by Mayer Amschel Rothschild to be the operatives they needed so to corrupt politicians, start and finance wars and more. I would not use Dan Brown's stuff to characterize the Illuminati, and I would stay away from theories of aliens, UFOs, Fema camps, and mystical powers that don't exist.
Cecil Rhodes made one of the world's greatest fortunes of the 19th century. Financed by Nathan Rothschild and the Bank of England, he established a monopoly over the diamond output of South Africa and most of the gold as well. He formed a secret society which included many of the top leaders of British government. Their elitist goal was nothing less than world domination and the establishment of a modern feudalist society controlled by themselves through the world's central banks. In American, the Coucil of Foreign Relations (CFR) was an outgrowth of that group.
[see Creature from Jekyll Island, pages 208-210)
J.P.Morgan Sr was brought into banking by his father, Junius Morgan, in England. The Morgans were friendly competitors with the Rothschilds and became socially close to them. Morgan's London-based firm was saved from financial ruin in 1857 by the Bank of England over which the Rothschilds held great influence. Thereafter, Morgan appears to have served as a Rothschild financial agent and went to great lengths to appear totally American.
Jacob Schiff was a Rothschild agent. Their lineage was very closely tied in Germany. Schiff, Morgan, Warburg, Aldrich, and others formed the cartel that we know today as the federal reserve, the biggest scam in history. And every nation that create fiat money as there national currency died by it.
This stuff is fact.
Create more debt (whether by wars or social programs) and these guys get rich.……………………
Answer :
because they still want to believe the fairytale they were sold in junior high social studies.
you can always tell when someone doesn't want to face facts because their first tactical move is usually to call names.
"crazy" "conspiracy theorist" blah, blah, blah
Answer :
This is true. I think obama is part of Americans punishment from God. For abortion and for people accepting Gays. When a country gets away from God, more of their freedom is taken away. We are living in the last days before the tribulation period. If you take the mark of the beast and the microchip you will not go to Heaven. if you don't take it you will probably be killed.
Answer :
LOL i am laugh my *** off at you mate i bet you have your tin hat on right now stop Obama reading your mind.
Thats the responce you would get off a sheep.
Seriously though dont get to worried about the NWO its happening in the name of progress look after your family and get to know your community and thats all you can do never resort to violence and remember there are alot of people making alot of money writing books about the NWO so please dont believe everything.
At the moment you still have food on your plate so just count your blessing
See here It is all explained.