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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Why are the Southern "Red States" so strong ideologically, even though they get conquered every 3 or 4 Decades?

First the Spanish conquered the South then the French next Andrew Jackson then the civil war and Sherman's march to the sea. After that the Carpetbaggers took over the South then Northern Industrialists followed by Standard Oil of New York Jim Crow the depression Scheme KKK and the 1960's Freedom Fighters.

It's a long list of conquest; but the South is still unmoved

Answer :
Carpetbaggers and KKK both were democrat ideas

Not really

Greedy individules are like camilions they go from Red to Blue at the wave of a dollar

In the 1800's most of the slave owners were Northern Investers that controled the Stock Market and Cotton Industry But who took the blame average working class people. Indentured White Farm Worker

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Andrew Jackson? the French? The Spanish? You know nothing of history. The spanish settled Florida, then the south west. Texas Mexico, Arizona, California were settled by the Spanish. The french were taking Canada. They didn't conquered it, the settled it and it was taken from them. Andrew Jackson defeated the British in the war of 1812 just outside of New Orleans, out numbered 2 to 1, his troops only suffered a dozen casualties and 14 wounded.
Something to think about, It is better to keep your mouth closed and thought a fool than open it and remove all doubt>

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The south never had a strong industrial base during the times you mentioned. Some were a stretch by the way.
They do now. It would be much different.
No one can move the south on the question of their independence.

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Your history line here reflects "every 3 or 4 decades???"

How bout going back to school and brush up on math.

Then history.

Then Logic.

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A long tradition of ignoring history in favor of myth. Anyone that can ignore slavery as a factor in the Civil War while insisting it is all about States Rights can believe almost anything.

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Your "history" is very inaccurate...I suggest you go and study before trying to stir things up on YA!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Would Milton have been good value, for the Collins project ?

Milton! thou shouldst be living at this hour: England hath need of thee: she is a fen Of stagnant waters: altar, sword and pen, Fireside, the heroic wealth of hall and bower, Have forfeited their ancient English dower Of inward happiness.We are selfish men; Oh! raise us up, return to us again; And give us manners, virtue, freedom, power. Thy soul was like a star, and dwelt apart; Thou hadst a voice whose sound was like the sea: Pure as the naked heavens, majestic, free, So didst thou travel on life's common way, In cheerful godliness; and yet thy heart The lowliest duties on herself did lay.

'Milton! thou shouldst be living at this hour', complete poem (published1807).

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I guess so. If Shakespeare would have been of good value as well :


1. Tired with all these, for restful death I cry,
2. As to behold desert a beggar born,
3. And needy nothing trimm'd in jollity,
4. And purest faith unhappily forsworn,
5. And gilded honour shamefully misplac'd,
6. And maiden virtue rudely strumpeted,
7. And right perfection wrongfully disgrac'd,
8. And strength by limping sway disabled
9. And art made tongue-tied by authority,
10. And folly, doctor-like, controlling skill,
11. And simple truth miscalled simplicity,
12. And captive good attending captain ill:
13. Tir'd with all these, from these would I be gone,
14. Save that, to die, I leave my love alone.

Answer :
How about Shakespeare ?

For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? Ham.III.1.69-76.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Is it possible to be more then one Zodiac sign? You don't have to read the info to answer it's long! lol?


Because I'm a Pisces but according to my Bio teacher the stars changed place's so technically I'm a Aries. And I looked up traits of both and I'm like 50/50 on both of some. Some traits match me on Pisces and others are WAY off. Same with Aries. Some trait examples are:

Some correct traits are:

Pisces: Selfless and unworldly Escapist (majorly!!!) idealistic (i think) Secretive and vague respond with the utmost sympathy and tact to any suffering they encounter They accept the people around them and the circumstances in which they find themselves rather than trying to adapt them to suit themselves, and they patiently wait for problems to sort themselves out rather than take the initiative in solving them. They are more readily concerned with the problems of others than with their own.
Their natures tend to be too otherworldly for the practical purposes of living in this world as it is. They sometimes exist emotionally rather than rationally, instinctively more than intellectually (depending on how they are aspected). They also dislike disciple and confinement. The nine-to-five life is not for them. Any rebellion they make against convention is personal, however, as they often times do not have the energy or motivation to battle against the Establishment. tend to withdraw into a dream world where their qualities can bring mental satisfaction They are also versatile and intuitive, have quick understanding, observe and listen well, and are receptive to new ideas and atmospheres love of, beauty in art and nature, a catlike appreciation of luxury and pleasure, and a yearning for new sensations and travel to remote, exotic places. They are never egotistical in their personal relationships and give more than they ask from their friends. They are sexually delicate, in the extreme almost asexual, and most Pisceans would want a relationship in which the partner's mind and spirit rather than the body resonated with their own. Unfortunately they can be easily misled by a lover who courts them delicately and in marriage makes them unhappy by a coarser sexuality than they expected. They are nevertheless intensely loyal and home-loving and will remain faithful. Their sympathy equips them for work in charities catering for the needy, as nurses looking after the sick and as veterinary surgeons caring for animals. (I either want to be a vet or a psychologist) satisfy their mental wanderlust, and their fondness for "faraway places with strange-sounding names" LIKES Solitude to dream in Mystery in all its guises Anything discarded to stay discarded The ridiculous like to get 'lost' (I love getting lost) DISLIKES the obvious being criticized
feeling all at sea about something know-it-alls pedantry

Aries: Adventurous and energetic Pioneering and courageous Enthusiastic and confident Dynamic and quick-witted Selfish and quick-tempered Impulsive and impatient The Arian is a pioneer both in thought and action, very open to new ideas and a lover of freedom. They welcome challenges and will not be diverted from their purpose except by their own impatience, which will surface if they don't get quick results. Aries subjects are courageous leaders with a genuine concern for those they command, being responsible people, it is rare that they will use their subordinates to obtain their own objectives as leaders They do not make very good followers because they are too "take charge". They may be unwilling to obey or submit to directions for which they can see no reason, or with which they disagree. They are much concerned with self, both positively and negatively - self-reliant but also self centered (sometimes) Their immense energy makes them aggressive and restless, argumentative occasionally, headstrong, quick tempered, easily offended and capable of holding grudges if they feel themselves affronted. as an Arian (as you are referred to), is to simply "get something started and lead the way". The Sun in this zodiac position gives your will free rein to express itself. You could be doing this in the form of some leadership role, or by forcing others to look at themselves in a new way. You can accomplish this by knowingly carrying out a deliberate act in the name of some cause that moves you. A negative effect of this sun sign is that you could sometimes unknowingly make it hard for others to relate to you, as you really are. (It's uber difficult for people to relate) You can easily be irritated by slowness or moderation in your companions and, though yourselves sensitive, ride roughshod over the sensitivities of others highly devoted to their children, even to the point of laying down their own lives, so that they might live. You will not find a more defensive and loving parent in all the zodiac. (when I have a child or become a teacher that will be me t

Answer :
It is not really possible to be two sun signs -- if in doubt you would check your chart by the time you were born to determine the exact sun position, but the calculation method used doesn't really recognize any point where the sun would be in two signs at once. Some people are born on a cusp (on the day of a transition) but I have yet to hear of a case where, once their exact time of birth was known and calculated, there weren't determined to be one sign or another.

In your case you're referring to the shift of star positions over time. It is true that star positions have shifted but that's almost irrelevant to zodiac calculation. The positioning of the signs wasn't really calculated by the stars' literal position anyway (otherwise, firstly, there would be 13 signs instead of 12 -- Ophiuchus is in the zodiac path.) Rather they are decided more by the sun's position in the sky.

As for matching the traits of both signs -- most astrology you'll find is just cold reading, where they tend to give personality profiles that will apply to anyone for all the signs. Chances are, you would 50% match descriptions for other signs too.

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You actually have three astrological signs. Your sun sign is the one that everyone knows about (determined based on the day you were born). But there is also your Moon sign (depending on the phase of moon when you were born) and your Rising sign (determined by what time you were born). There are charts online that show these signs. You have tratits of all three signs but often lean towards one of the three, making it your dominant sign.

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Astrology is more for fun than anything. I don't think your personality can be determined by when you were born. Also, it depends on which astrological calendar you go by if you're close to the break between signs. Astrology is so vague that it makes it so that you can find a way to agree with whatever tripe it gives you.

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Of course, if you are born on a cusp you will have characteristics and aspects of two zodiac signs. Also you have to add in your moon sign, rising sign, etc. We are more than just our sun sign.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

I am not an optimist about Americans keeping their freedom, are you?

A great quote by an unknown author:

"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to the depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. Thus, the problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails us. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president."

Americans have been on a loosing streak! And not just Obama- MOST politicians! What do you think?:
Is America at the point of no return?
Are we soon going to say "The once great nation"
Will in the next few decades we will want to immigrate over seas to live the Chinese dream?
Must there be another revolution to undo what has been done?
Or can we straighten up before we have gone too far?

I know my point of view- Im interesten to hear America's!

Additional Details

AMEN Arizona, those two lines says so much

Data, I see where you are comming from. But I must admit I say the fools deserve what they get, and the smart ones get out there and drive those blood sucking politicians out of office and make things right!

ZF- be careful with your research, I am highly aware that the media often embellishes and lies, however, one can not turn their head on the actual truths, the US is at an all time high with dropout rates (up to 50% of students IN SOME STATES) Science is having budget cuts left and right- (as obama has already announced with the cut in NASA) the military had an enormous amount of cuts. With less than 0.25% (yes a quarter of one percent) of the American people in the military, I am shocked when the nearby military base has had THEIR GAURDS FIRED leaving the base open to anyone to enter....My goodness these are things I see in real life- the media didnt show me these horrors. Look at history, every great nation has fallen, are we so naive to believe ours is untouchable?

dudeman612...I think I have read the comments of an individual that understands the importance of knowing history and how it is a predictor of the future. The question is now, how do we, the people that understand such urgent circumstances fight against this...can it be done despite the growing number of the ill informed and the overly-comfortable?

Mario B: YOU ARE RIGHT As a great leader of freedom said :"1."When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny." There is a reason the right to bear arms is seconded only to freedom of speech- Do people think that Fidel Castro came about overnight? These things happen when people have no defense in their government, and the government no longer have reason to hold back their power

Answer :
The way the people have been giving up their freedoms and transferring more and more power to the central government by electing ambitious and crooked politicians for the last century makes me skeptical that things will get any better.

We have a monumental opportunity come this election cycle, due to the hostility toward and mistrust of our incompetent government, to throw the bums out and start over. Unfortunately, for a few reasons, I am not getting to excited or expecting to much.

First off, people have always complained about congress, but then when they are asked about their particular representative, they like them and want to reelect them. They just want to see everyone elses representative get the boot and start over.

Secondly, the electorate has a very short attention span. So, even if they elect new faces this Nov., it is unlikely that this fervor will maintain itself until the next election. Voters are complacent and it takes a lot to get them riled up to change things, and usually the slightest bit of change will appease them and they'll go back to their slumber. Once that happens, the crooked politicians get drunk with power and start all over again.

And thirdly, there is so much misinformation and half truths out there that most people don't know what to think. Most people will just believe who ever can push their "emotion" buttons the most. Most voters are very poorly informed about politics, the pros and cons of certain policies, political history, who the candidate really is, and so on. I don't think most people take the time to really know who they are electing and what that politicians platform equates to, what we can expect if their policies come true.

I do agree with the quote about Obama, or any politician, being nothing more than a mere symptom of incompetent, ill-informed, and/or lazy voters.

Nations rise and fall, and during their lifetime they also ebb and flow between rising prosperity and declining prosperity. The decline is usually slow and hard to detect and it usually comes after the nation's highest point of prosperity. Primarily because the citizenry is living the good life and they become lazy and complacent due to living the good life. They basically become pampered and expect everything to come easily, instant gratification. Which is where we are at now.

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oh I love when people talk about freedom
when the reality the government control all aspect of you life

you don't need to put soldiers in your cities
to have a tyranny dictatorship

just remember people can ruin your life with a ink pen

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well i dont think all of that is true at all. you see, the unfortunate truth about this world is that it is run by the media. by the sounds of things, ur a little too tied in it all. what is happening with the us at the present time is exaggerated. America is no worse than it was during the great depression. the us is still the information, research, entertainment, academic, and military capital of the world, and thats not changing any time soon. the american dream is still alive. and although the president isn't very well liked, America will always be on top.

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