This is my answer,
What is yours? Do Christians Muslims and Jews have a Better appreaciation of the complexities of common society because of their religious conviction? Do they appreciate Life more or less by being thankful to God, or is it more ispirational to explore based on fascination? I know many religious accept science and it does not conflict with your religion, but if you were strictly atheist, or fundimentalist which would be more beneficial as a subjective appreciation of your existence?
Sorry if it is a complicated question.
My answer:
1. Human being have an inert understanding of right and wrong based on what is beneficial to his survival and ultimately the species. Would we have come to the conclusion that we should not kill each other or steal each other's stuff without the bible, Yes im sure we would have. Individuals who do not understand this will still be subject to the laws based on Our humanitarian governing system. Laws are not dictated in intelligent society by religious texts, Religious texts were conceived before man's intellectual maturity, our founding father's understood, the necessity to remove religion and personal bias from the governing bodies.
2.We have an understanding of the amazing beauty, and power of the cosmos, why tack limitation or explanation based on the supernatural. Why be satisfied with our limited imagination when the infinite imagination of reality is forever going to be fuzzy. We have just this one moment to be inspired by the seas of space, and time. We need God to feel inspired? I don't understand how just knowing the fact that stars died for me to exist is not amazingly inspirational in of itself. We want to experience the great and vast phenomenon of life, beyond "Just believe as I believe with no question..."
3. I am inspired daily by the complexities of life. The billions and billions and billions of stars, and the complexities of the human genome, we have not tapped into knowledge as it could be. We have only scratched the surface of life, and the cosmos. This knowledge is Inspirational. I dictate my own value of life, without becoming an autonomous human shell by accepting truth as claimed by religion. God gives you Value? How? You trade all personal freedom, all knowledge, and all understanding we as humanity experience in exchange for what? Life after death? I will not be sold by man the illusion that our time can be infinite. I want to know and see everything I can before returning to a life stream from which we all came. Instead of attempting to beat the judgments of mythical supernatural entities who demand subservience. This Gives my Life, Meaning, and honestly I also believe this gives me a much MUCH stronger understanding of the Value of life than someone who submissively follows a dogma for an everlasting afterlife?
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Isn't is a misuse of Yahoo Answers if you already have an answer to your question before you post it?
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I think the sick, or injured do.
Or anyone with a relative living with a terminal illness, or other disability of somesort.
Or those who were close to someone who dies un-expectedly.
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Atheists because I value my short time on this earth, while christians think they're gonna live forever in the sky with their imaginary friend.
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I am simply a man, I have simply; a mans concept of life, I am part of this world, and the world is part of me... it is the 'yin and the yang', the harmony, the balance...if someone wishes to believe in an after life or not, then they are entitled to or not, the simple things can inspire me, the complicated can enrage me, until they become simple, I am like water I will find my own level. Much too much effort is put into trying to justify one's lifestyle or existence....just breathe.
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I would say overall, atheists probably have a better grasp on the appreciation of life. I mean, it is a wonder to think that all of this could have happened luckily, though the years, just with nature and science governing it. I think it's actually more amazing to think of it hapening without a creator. Wouldn't you be more impressed if you saw a great sculpture that occurred naturally, without a sculptor?
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i did not even read your answer, scrolled down, if that's ok. "a grasp on the appreciation of life". well that sounds like a challenge to me! who does have a grasp? who loves life more than, i don't know, me? we'll just start there, and move on. i didn't just decide to live for forty years, and give up. at this point, kiss my *** if you think i'm going anywhere. i'm here for the duration, baby. people like you have to question everything..... and frankly i would love to have a conversation with you, when i'm 70. you up for it?
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Being one myself, I can stare in awe and wonder at hubble telescope pictures of universes and nebulas, and think about something larger than myself.
In my mind, everlasting life would actually cheapen a precious thing.
If you eat pizza every day of the week, it'll still taste good, but it won't be nearly as special as you having it once every few months.
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religion teaches us to de-value life... life is meaningless or it is suffering or it is temporary and that we should devote and dedicate ourselves to attaining eternal salvation. Suffer now, deprive your self of joy, happiness, temptation, and pleasures of the flesh or the world or wealth... deny yourself all these things and you will live forever in heaven with God... The more extreme examples say dont just LIVE this way but go out and kill, dying this way... blow stuff up, take some non-believers with you. Religion is in NO WAY involved in teaching appreciation for LIFE... its about "salvation" and "after-life"
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My blood alcohol level leads me to a snip, even if you are my favorite muppet. I'm a Neopagan, so all life is sacred to me. Who better to recognize an appreciation of life than someone who worships life and realizes that the paradoxical cycle of life-survival (death of another)-death (survival of another life form) than a Pagan who believes in reincarnation and the scientifically proven recycling of nutrients? Pagans put what atheists know into a sacred perspective.
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