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Friday, April 23, 2010

Should we end Freedom and Democracy because of Climate Change?

That's right folks, you read that correctly.

Population reduction enthusiast James Lovelock says “a few people with authority” should run the planet to save us all from Climate Change, I prefer to call it C'LIE'mate Change.
He also said:
"We need a more "authoritative" world. We've become a sort of cheeky, egalitarian world where everyone can have their say. It's all very well, but there are certain circumstances – a war is a typical example – where you can't do that. You've got to have a few people with authority who you trust who are running it. And they should be very accountable too, of course.

But it can't happen in a modern democracy. This is one of the problems. What's the alternative to democracy? There isn't one. But even the best democracies agree that when a major war approaches, democracy must be put on hold for the time being. I have a feeling that climate change may be an issue as severe as a war. It may be necessary to put democracy on hold for a while."

Put Democracy on HOLD for a while?
What is he talking about?
So, in other words, get rid of freedom and democracy.
And "who" exactly should be in charge, ruling all of us, the ignorant masses I wonder?
Maybe it should be the liars who are constantly being found out, manipulating data, eh?

On what it will take to convince the public to accept an end to freedom and democracy he says this:
"There has been a lot of speculation that a very large glacier [Pine Island glacier] in Antarctica is unstable. If there's much more melting, it may break off and slip into the ocean. It would be enough to produce an immediate sea-level rise of two metres, something huge, and tsunamis. I would say the scientists are not worried about it, but they are keeping a close watch on it. That would be the sort of event that would change public opinion."

Maybe if a few explosives were to go off "unexpectedly of course" around this ice shelf it might hurry things up in that regard,

Lovelock said: “Those who fail to see that population growth and climate change are two sides of the same coin are either ignorant or hiding from the truth. These two huge environmental problems are inseparable and to discuss one while ignoring the other is irrational.”

He added: “How can we possibly decrease carbon emissions and land use while the number of emitters and the space they occupy remorselessly increases? When will the environmentalists who claim to be green recognise the truth and speak out?”

So, essentially Dr Lovelock advocates the destruction of freedom in order that an overriding authoritative global power can oversee the radical stemming of the planet’s human population – nice.

Answer :
All this sh't has long been spoken about by well know conspiracy theorists.
While being slagged of for it, yet everything they say keeps unfolding before our eyes, day after day.

If these people are in full view of the world talking about this, you can bet your a## their black opps co conspirators are laying plans to make it happen and as you say. A wee bomb here and a patsy there to make thing move faster to further their slave the planet agenda.

Good to see the posters here are not asleep but how much crap can happen and how much will we let them take from us before we fight back.

Now that’s the question???

Answer :
1. No.
2. "Climate Change" and "Global Warming" are tools used to control us. The earth has had many changes in it's climate for billions of years before humans.

Answer :
LoL on hold for awhile, yea, right. Once you lose your freedom you never get it back. And who are these few people of authority we all trust to run things? Him and Obama? no thanks.

I say Lovelock should be the first to sacrifice himself for the good of the planet.

Answer :
No, some of the climate alarmists are some freaky scary people, take the source above......

Personally I think that if "climate change" which conveniently covers everything, really is all mans fault that there is nothing we can do to change it short of killing man off but the funny thing is that their answer to it is to charge a cap and trade carbon credit (which is a tax) so you can continue to live. Basically life goes on but you will have to pay a tax for it (or carbon credit).

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