I say the only Government we should have is a President with power only over FOREIGN policy... we should never keep secrets that need to be classified. We should never have a Police force thats Government paid but a Citizens Militia/Police Force that can fight our wars Over Seas and can Fight crime and it'll be volunteer ONLY. We should have a free market economy free of Wall Street, and consisting of MANY small businesses.
We should be free of Tax and our Government should act as a Non-Profit Charity that must be willfully donated to instead of forced. There should be no restrictions on guns meaning if you have the money to buy a million dollar M1A2 Abrams tank SO BE IT but if you try to be a terrorist here comes the Citizens Militia to kick your butt.
When the Government gets to corrupt the Government will be overthrown infact every 10 years the entire Government will be destroyed and rebuilt allowing the common man to live life freely. The President will only be allowed to one 2 year term. The Leaders of the Citizens Militia must be Elected and must have Ready Vice-Leaders to take their place in the event of their death but afterwards an emergency election must be held. There will be no Electoral College but rather EVERY SINGLE vote be counted and which ever candidate has the most votes wins making every vote count.
Dollars will slowly be destroyed and the currency will be switched back to gold coins and those Gold Coins will be evenly distributed. Dollars can be used for whatever purpose it won't matter, make dollar bill suits for all anyone cares. I can't stress enough the need to never hold secrets from the General Population instead of doing that the General Population should keep the secret from OTHER countries.
Crimes will be solved by popular vote, whoever the evidence points to and can be proven guilty will be convicted and go before a state-wide jury to find out the consequence. Murder, Rape, Armed Robbery, and other crimes of the like will most likely be Death Sentence.
Any talk of Conspiracy Theories will be brought before the Country and the facts will be heard... if the facts prove true whoever is accused of the Conspiracy will either be sentenced to Prison or Death.
Answer :
What you're describing is basically soft anarchism, which would easily morph into neo-fascism. Who would have the power to buy tanks and keep the good folks who build the Abrams tank in a job? That's right, the capitalist oligarchs. So the wealthy business elite will control most military and police power.
Beyond that scary oligarchy, your system would likely see the revitalization of organized crime as big business in these United States. No government-funded police? No government-funded militia? Who will fund them, then? Who would volunteer to protect the country from mobsters, when there was likely little or no pay to be received from putting your life (and your family's life, knowing how the mob works) on the line?
Crimes "solved" by popular vote? Hardly. More like running a smear campaign against an easy target. The American justice system is supposed to protect the "little guy" from the unfair judgment of a reactionary, easily swayed public. That's why the jury selection process takes so long, and why well-publicized cases will often relocated to another town where there hasn't been as much media coverage before selecting a jury. The death penalty is a subject I won't touch here, other than to say I personally don't agree with it and certainly don't think it should be something left up to the whim of a judge or a bloodthirsty electorate as you would have under your proposed system.
Good luck getting the "general population" to "keep secrets from OTHER countries." For most of us regular Joes, cover-ups and espionage just ain't our bag. We're all about the free exchange of ideas and peaceful cooperation.
I can agree with you, up to a point, on the abolition of the Electoral College. It has its merits, however, in making sure that hugely populous states such as California and New York don't have all the say in who gets elected. It's a flawed system that surely needs to be revised. I don't know about complete abolition, but it would be nice if we could re-think that.
One thing that's virtually sure to happen in your system: Government being overthrown every time you turn around. Thanks to the independent, unregulated militias and lack of government funding for any kind of services, coups d'etat will become a frighteningly regular occurrence. Eventually, this will result in a completely failed state. That might make "personal freedom" idealogues like yourself very happy, but most of us don't want to live in a country that resembles modern-day Somalia. Do Somali pirates ring a bell?
That's only the beginning. I could address more, but it's not worth it. This won't be your best answer (because you don't sound like you'd agree with any of this). It's just my answer. For me, that's good enough.
Answer :
You left out the part where all minorities will be killed or forced back to slavery. that will give you the Republican vote by default.
By the way, I disagree with your ideologies.
BR Cruises
DE Cruises
Friday, April 16, 2010
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