That's right folks, you read that correctly.
Population reduction enthusiast James Lovelock says “a few people with authority” should run the planet to save us all from Climate Change, I prefer to call it C'LIE'mate Change.
He also said:
"We need a more "authoritative" world. We've become a sort of cheeky, egalitarian world where everyone can have their say. It's all very well, but there are certain circumstances – a war is a typical example – where you can't do that. You've got to have a few people with authority who you trust who are running it. And they should be very accountable too, of course.
But it can't happen in a modern democracy. This is one of the problems. What's the alternative to democracy? There isn't one. But even the best democracies agree that when a major war approaches, democracy must be put on hold for the time being. I have a feeling that climate change may be an issue as severe as a war. It may be necessary to put democracy on hold for a while."
Put Democracy on HOLD for a while?
What is he talking about?
So, in other words, get rid of freedom and democracy.
And "who" exactly should be in charge, ruling all of us, the ignorant masses I wonder?
Maybe it should be the liars who are constantly being found out, manipulating data, eh?
On what it will take to convince the public to accept an end to freedom and democracy he says this:
"There has been a lot of speculation that a very large glacier [Pine Island glacier] in Antarctica is unstable. If there's much more melting, it may break off and slip into the ocean. It would be enough to produce an immediate sea-level rise of two metres, something huge, and tsunamis. I would say the scientists are not worried about it, but they are keeping a close watch on it. That would be the sort of event that would change public opinion."
Maybe if a few explosives were to go off "unexpectedly of course" around this ice shelf it might hurry things up in that regard,
Lovelock said: “Those who fail to see that population growth and climate change are two sides of the same coin are either ignorant or hiding from the truth. These two huge environmental problems are inseparable and to discuss one while ignoring the other is irrational.”
He added: “How can we possibly decrease carbon emissions and land use while the number of emitters and the space they occupy remorselessly increases? When will the environmentalists who claim to be green recognise the truth and speak out?”
So, essentially Dr Lovelock advocates the destruction of freedom in order that an overriding authoritative global power can oversee the radical stemming of the planet’s human population – nice.
Answer :
All this sh't has long been spoken about by well know conspiracy theorists.
While being slagged of for it, yet everything they say keeps unfolding before our eyes, day after day.
If these people are in full view of the world talking about this, you can bet your a## their black opps co conspirators are laying plans to make it happen and as you say. A wee bomb here and a patsy there to make thing move faster to further their slave the planet agenda.
Good to see the posters here are not asleep but how much crap can happen and how much will we let them take from us before we fight back.
Now that’s the question???
Answer :
1. No.
2. "Climate Change" and "Global Warming" are tools used to control us. The earth has had many changes in it's climate for billions of years before humans.
Answer :
LoL on hold for awhile, yea, right. Once you lose your freedom you never get it back. And who are these few people of authority we all trust to run things? Him and Obama? no thanks.
I say Lovelock should be the first to sacrifice himself for the good of the planet.
Answer :
No, some of the climate alarmists are some freaky scary people, take the source above......
Personally I think that if "climate change" which conveniently covers everything, really is all mans fault that there is nothing we can do to change it short of killing man off but the funny thing is that their answer to it is to charge a cap and trade carbon credit (which is a tax) so you can continue to live. Basically life goes on but you will have to pay a tax for it (or carbon credit).
BR Cruises
DE Cruises
Friday, April 23, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Do you agree with this philosophy?
I say the only Government we should have is a President with power only over FOREIGN policy... we should never keep secrets that need to be classified. We should never have a Police force thats Government paid but a Citizens Militia/Police Force that can fight our wars Over Seas and can Fight crime and it'll be volunteer ONLY. We should have a free market economy free of Wall Street, and consisting of MANY small businesses.
We should be free of Tax and our Government should act as a Non-Profit Charity that must be willfully donated to instead of forced. There should be no restrictions on guns meaning if you have the money to buy a million dollar M1A2 Abrams tank SO BE IT but if you try to be a terrorist here comes the Citizens Militia to kick your butt.
When the Government gets to corrupt the Government will be overthrown infact every 10 years the entire Government will be destroyed and rebuilt allowing the common man to live life freely. The President will only be allowed to one 2 year term. The Leaders of the Citizens Militia must be Elected and must have Ready Vice-Leaders to take their place in the event of their death but afterwards an emergency election must be held. There will be no Electoral College but rather EVERY SINGLE vote be counted and which ever candidate has the most votes wins making every vote count.
Dollars will slowly be destroyed and the currency will be switched back to gold coins and those Gold Coins will be evenly distributed. Dollars can be used for whatever purpose it won't matter, make dollar bill suits for all anyone cares. I can't stress enough the need to never hold secrets from the General Population instead of doing that the General Population should keep the secret from OTHER countries.
Crimes will be solved by popular vote, whoever the evidence points to and can be proven guilty will be convicted and go before a state-wide jury to find out the consequence. Murder, Rape, Armed Robbery, and other crimes of the like will most likely be Death Sentence.
Any talk of Conspiracy Theories will be brought before the Country and the facts will be heard... if the facts prove true whoever is accused of the Conspiracy will either be sentenced to Prison or Death.
Answer :
What you're describing is basically soft anarchism, which would easily morph into neo-fascism. Who would have the power to buy tanks and keep the good folks who build the Abrams tank in a job? That's right, the capitalist oligarchs. So the wealthy business elite will control most military and police power.
Beyond that scary oligarchy, your system would likely see the revitalization of organized crime as big business in these United States. No government-funded police? No government-funded militia? Who will fund them, then? Who would volunteer to protect the country from mobsters, when there was likely little or no pay to be received from putting your life (and your family's life, knowing how the mob works) on the line?
Crimes "solved" by popular vote? Hardly. More like running a smear campaign against an easy target. The American justice system is supposed to protect the "little guy" from the unfair judgment of a reactionary, easily swayed public. That's why the jury selection process takes so long, and why well-publicized cases will often relocated to another town where there hasn't been as much media coverage before selecting a jury. The death penalty is a subject I won't touch here, other than to say I personally don't agree with it and certainly don't think it should be something left up to the whim of a judge or a bloodthirsty electorate as you would have under your proposed system.
Good luck getting the "general population" to "keep secrets from OTHER countries." For most of us regular Joes, cover-ups and espionage just ain't our bag. We're all about the free exchange of ideas and peaceful cooperation.
I can agree with you, up to a point, on the abolition of the Electoral College. It has its merits, however, in making sure that hugely populous states such as California and New York don't have all the say in who gets elected. It's a flawed system that surely needs to be revised. I don't know about complete abolition, but it would be nice if we could re-think that.
One thing that's virtually sure to happen in your system: Government being overthrown every time you turn around. Thanks to the independent, unregulated militias and lack of government funding for any kind of services, coups d'etat will become a frighteningly regular occurrence. Eventually, this will result in a completely failed state. That might make "personal freedom" idealogues like yourself very happy, but most of us don't want to live in a country that resembles modern-day Somalia. Do Somali pirates ring a bell?
That's only the beginning. I could address more, but it's not worth it. This won't be your best answer (because you don't sound like you'd agree with any of this). It's just my answer. For me, that's good enough.
Answer :
You left out the part where all minorities will be killed or forced back to slavery. that will give you the Republican vote by default.
By the way, I disagree with your ideologies.
We should be free of Tax and our Government should act as a Non-Profit Charity that must be willfully donated to instead of forced. There should be no restrictions on guns meaning if you have the money to buy a million dollar M1A2 Abrams tank SO BE IT but if you try to be a terrorist here comes the Citizens Militia to kick your butt.
When the Government gets to corrupt the Government will be overthrown infact every 10 years the entire Government will be destroyed and rebuilt allowing the common man to live life freely. The President will only be allowed to one 2 year term. The Leaders of the Citizens Militia must be Elected and must have Ready Vice-Leaders to take their place in the event of their death but afterwards an emergency election must be held. There will be no Electoral College but rather EVERY SINGLE vote be counted and which ever candidate has the most votes wins making every vote count.
Dollars will slowly be destroyed and the currency will be switched back to gold coins and those Gold Coins will be evenly distributed. Dollars can be used for whatever purpose it won't matter, make dollar bill suits for all anyone cares. I can't stress enough the need to never hold secrets from the General Population instead of doing that the General Population should keep the secret from OTHER countries.
Crimes will be solved by popular vote, whoever the evidence points to and can be proven guilty will be convicted and go before a state-wide jury to find out the consequence. Murder, Rape, Armed Robbery, and other crimes of the like will most likely be Death Sentence.
Any talk of Conspiracy Theories will be brought before the Country and the facts will be heard... if the facts prove true whoever is accused of the Conspiracy will either be sentenced to Prison or Death.
Answer :
What you're describing is basically soft anarchism, which would easily morph into neo-fascism. Who would have the power to buy tanks and keep the good folks who build the Abrams tank in a job? That's right, the capitalist oligarchs. So the wealthy business elite will control most military and police power.
Beyond that scary oligarchy, your system would likely see the revitalization of organized crime as big business in these United States. No government-funded police? No government-funded militia? Who will fund them, then? Who would volunteer to protect the country from mobsters, when there was likely little or no pay to be received from putting your life (and your family's life, knowing how the mob works) on the line?
Crimes "solved" by popular vote? Hardly. More like running a smear campaign against an easy target. The American justice system is supposed to protect the "little guy" from the unfair judgment of a reactionary, easily swayed public. That's why the jury selection process takes so long, and why well-publicized cases will often relocated to another town where there hasn't been as much media coverage before selecting a jury. The death penalty is a subject I won't touch here, other than to say I personally don't agree with it and certainly don't think it should be something left up to the whim of a judge or a bloodthirsty electorate as you would have under your proposed system.
Good luck getting the "general population" to "keep secrets from OTHER countries." For most of us regular Joes, cover-ups and espionage just ain't our bag. We're all about the free exchange of ideas and peaceful cooperation.
I can agree with you, up to a point, on the abolition of the Electoral College. It has its merits, however, in making sure that hugely populous states such as California and New York don't have all the say in who gets elected. It's a flawed system that surely needs to be revised. I don't know about complete abolition, but it would be nice if we could re-think that.
One thing that's virtually sure to happen in your system: Government being overthrown every time you turn around. Thanks to the independent, unregulated militias and lack of government funding for any kind of services, coups d'etat will become a frighteningly regular occurrence. Eventually, this will result in a completely failed state. That might make "personal freedom" idealogues like yourself very happy, but most of us don't want to live in a country that resembles modern-day Somalia. Do Somali pirates ring a bell?
That's only the beginning. I could address more, but it's not worth it. This won't be your best answer (because you don't sound like you'd agree with any of this). It's just my answer. For me, that's good enough.
Answer :
You left out the part where all minorities will be killed or forced back to slavery. that will give you the Republican vote by default.
By the way, I disagree with your ideologies.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Palestinian am i? for Palestine My Land i stay and fight.?
Alsalam Alaykom
Palestinian am I
No one can take away from me
My identity,
For it is mine.
Palestinian am I.
I am the river that flows
Through my land.
I am the mountain
Noble and magnificent
Rising up out of chaos and destruction.
I greet the morning sun
That shines down on my fertile valleys
And parches my barren desert.
I am the red poppy and yellow daffodil
That grow upon my bloodstained hills.
I am the battle cry of freedom
That echoes through my corridors
And every fiber of my being.
Palestinian am I.
I am the proud owner of
Orange orchards and lemon blossoms
And honey bees, wild and free.
I am the David child wielding a single stone
Against the Israeli Goliath.
I am not afraid,
For truth is with me and God is on my side.
If I die,
A choir of angels will honor me
And later, my parents will grasp my outstretched hand
And join me in Heaven.
I am the tears of
Mothers weeping for their dead sons.
I am the footsteps of ancient prophets
Who foretold of doom and destruction
To those who torture and oppress me.
My brethren are the doves, hummingbirds and seagulls
That fly unhindered above my sea.
I am Palestinian,
Therefore, I am.
No one can take my identity
Away from me,
Not tanks or guns or bombs
Meant to desecrate me and kill me.
My country lives in me.
I am the cry of liberty
No matter what they take from me,
They can’t take away my identity
Or my dignity.
Palestinian am I.
Me: Palestinian Jordanian.
Answer :
awesome poem man....have you heard lowkey's rap,tears to laughter?…
@Aashiq,we know...and i think that too,but what else can we do?we send food and money to charity for them,and it gets blocked by Israel for "security reasons" social studies class is always like "OMG,the holocaust is soooo saaddddd *start crying*..." ummmmm helllooooooo?????what about the infamous "holocaust in Gaza: of DEcember 08????google it,it'll actually be called textbook said that apparently 6 million jews died in the time,it was a little social studies open house at my school,and we were to give a presentation about the things that happened in Europe.I talked about the spread of Islam in Spain.My friend did hers about the dad is sitting there,looking at her poster,and saying "the holocaust is just a conspiracy so that people can be more worried about the Jews than the sure that 6 million jews didn't die...this is all a lie!" i will never live it down...because now people think that im going to set off a bomb any minute now....i hate stereotypical people!
Answer :
Israel is way to strong for you guys look what they have done to you over the decades I don’t hate Palestinians but I have no respect for Lebanese Muslim criminals living in Sydney Australia - I'm glad that Israel bombed the Lebanese bastards
Answer : offensive ......... i'm lebanese muslim n im not a criminal and those are my family members you're happy are bombed!
Answer :
@ Saada - your story really explains why Palestine and Israel can't work out their problems. Constantly goading each other it's ridiculous. I wish you could just get all the Palestinian leaders and the Israeli leaders, lock them in a room and not allow them out until they've either killed each other or come up with a workable peace solution. Both sides make me so angry, they're like little children who need a good smack to get some sense into them. =Z
@ Stavros - You know I watched Gangs of Oz and the police on the show said the most violent Arab gangs were the Christian Iraqis, then came the Christian Lebanese, who constantly fight with the Christian Iraqis. And the Lebanese Muslims were more into drug making working together with the Bikie gangs. But apparently the most ruthless and best organised were the Russian mafia who trumped all the gangs.
Palestinian am I
No one can take away from me
My identity,
For it is mine.
Palestinian am I.
I am the river that flows
Through my land.
I am the mountain
Noble and magnificent
Rising up out of chaos and destruction.
I greet the morning sun
That shines down on my fertile valleys
And parches my barren desert.
I am the red poppy and yellow daffodil
That grow upon my bloodstained hills.
I am the battle cry of freedom
That echoes through my corridors
And every fiber of my being.
Palestinian am I.
I am the proud owner of
Orange orchards and lemon blossoms
And honey bees, wild and free.
I am the David child wielding a single stone
Against the Israeli Goliath.
I am not afraid,
For truth is with me and God is on my side.
If I die,
A choir of angels will honor me
And later, my parents will grasp my outstretched hand
And join me in Heaven.
I am the tears of
Mothers weeping for their dead sons.
I am the footsteps of ancient prophets
Who foretold of doom and destruction
To those who torture and oppress me.
My brethren are the doves, hummingbirds and seagulls
That fly unhindered above my sea.
I am Palestinian,
Therefore, I am.
No one can take my identity
Away from me,
Not tanks or guns or bombs
Meant to desecrate me and kill me.
My country lives in me.
I am the cry of liberty
No matter what they take from me,
They can’t take away my identity
Or my dignity.
Palestinian am I.
Me: Palestinian Jordanian.
Answer :
awesome poem man....have you heard lowkey's rap,tears to laughter?…
@Aashiq,we know...and i think that too,but what else can we do?we send food and money to charity for them,and it gets blocked by Israel for "security reasons" social studies class is always like "OMG,the holocaust is soooo saaddddd *start crying*..." ummmmm helllooooooo?????what about the infamous "holocaust in Gaza: of DEcember 08????google it,it'll actually be called textbook said that apparently 6 million jews died in the time,it was a little social studies open house at my school,and we were to give a presentation about the things that happened in Europe.I talked about the spread of Islam in Spain.My friend did hers about the dad is sitting there,looking at her poster,and saying "the holocaust is just a conspiracy so that people can be more worried about the Jews than the sure that 6 million jews didn't die...this is all a lie!" i will never live it down...because now people think that im going to set off a bomb any minute now....i hate stereotypical people!
Answer :
Israel is way to strong for you guys look what they have done to you over the decades I don’t hate Palestinians but I have no respect for Lebanese Muslim criminals living in Sydney Australia - I'm glad that Israel bombed the Lebanese bastards
Answer : offensive ......... i'm lebanese muslim n im not a criminal and those are my family members you're happy are bombed!
Answer :
@ Saada - your story really explains why Palestine and Israel can't work out their problems. Constantly goading each other it's ridiculous. I wish you could just get all the Palestinian leaders and the Israeli leaders, lock them in a room and not allow them out until they've either killed each other or come up with a workable peace solution. Both sides make me so angry, they're like little children who need a good smack to get some sense into them. =Z
@ Stavros - You know I watched Gangs of Oz and the police on the show said the most violent Arab gangs were the Christian Iraqis, then came the Christian Lebanese, who constantly fight with the Christian Iraqis. And the Lebanese Muslims were more into drug making working together with the Bikie gangs. But apparently the most ruthless and best organised were the Russian mafia who trumped all the gangs.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
What do you think of my poem please b honest?
I remember the day, when god shut his eyes.
How everything fell apart
When the devil ascended to earth and stole our souls
Trapped by fear with nowhere to run
Forests burnt with hurried haste; there was no hiding in this darkened place
Cities fell with each passing day as did our hope for our failing race
The night would come for the weary travellers, most would rest, and others wouldn’t wake
Snow would fall like glimmers of hope sent down from heaven, to watch us from above
The sun would rise and the sun would fall
A new day began, but nothing changed
It’s hard to believe that beauty once existed
How a bee would dance carefree, flying from tree to tree
No sound is made, there is no dancing bee, and nothing can ever be carefree
Barks from dogs restrained by power
No barking is done, no dogs survived, killed by power
Birds roamed the skies, watching over mankind
Ash now roams the skies, no one cares about mankind.
We sit round a fire, praying for death.
It’s easier than living in fear
Rumours of freedom passed through our ears
Heading to the south could be our only hope
The trees we strived to keep alive lie broken, upon the ash ridden ground
Fugitives in our country, hiding from you
We have forgotten why this hurt has happened; it has gone on too long
Our bodies so weak, our bones on show, so hungry for food
You had no compassion for the weak you hunted us down like dogs.
Some of us died like dogs, dead for your dinner.
Natural beauty lined the sky, a parade of colours reds, blues, and greens
This was something the devil couldn’t wipe from existence
We travelled along the lonesome road passing the weak
Passing the burnt out black grass
I remember the sweet smell of the newly cut grass
When the smell swept through my nostrils’ letting me remember it forever
The once bright and vibrant amusement arcade stood dead and ruined in the ground
Like the dying oak tree in the abandoned grave yard
We could hear echoes of the tunes from the rotten band stand
How I wanted to dance to forget the hurt, to hear music again would let me die happy
We could hear the sea crashing down upon the beaten sand
We had made it
Picnic benches that once held families so joyful, no worries when the next meal would come
Families dead in each other arms, they died in their sleep escaped from the worries
The sea once clear blue, and calm
The sea is now grey, and so mad with us it crashes down to try and clean the sand of death
The dark snuck in, the beach was where we couldn’t hide from you
Nowhere was truly safe
Flashbacks of times at the beach, kept our spirits high
Ships, boats and yachts get thrown around like a cat with yarn
We couldn’t hear any sound, no one to speak to again
To hear a bird chirp, to see a butterfly fly would complete my life before I die
Time to leave this life, time to say good bye, you’re after us, we have to leave
I remember the day when god opened his eyes
It was too late, to turn back time.
Answer :
Some good poetic ideas here, but my, you do go on.
I would go through taking out repetition and unnecessary words.
Third to last line: the first five words say it all; the rest is waffle.
Try shortening some lines for effect, eg.:
The sea is now grey, and so mad
With us it crashes down
To try and clean the sand of death
"Less is more" is a useful rule of thumb in poetry.
A few precise and well-chosen words work better than pulling out all the stops.
Answer :
Depressing, Boring, Rambling.Not for me.
How everything fell apart
When the devil ascended to earth and stole our souls
Trapped by fear with nowhere to run
Forests burnt with hurried haste; there was no hiding in this darkened place
Cities fell with each passing day as did our hope for our failing race
The night would come for the weary travellers, most would rest, and others wouldn’t wake
Snow would fall like glimmers of hope sent down from heaven, to watch us from above
The sun would rise and the sun would fall
A new day began, but nothing changed
It’s hard to believe that beauty once existed
How a bee would dance carefree, flying from tree to tree
No sound is made, there is no dancing bee, and nothing can ever be carefree
Barks from dogs restrained by power
No barking is done, no dogs survived, killed by power
Birds roamed the skies, watching over mankind
Ash now roams the skies, no one cares about mankind.
We sit round a fire, praying for death.
It’s easier than living in fear
Rumours of freedom passed through our ears
Heading to the south could be our only hope
The trees we strived to keep alive lie broken, upon the ash ridden ground
Fugitives in our country, hiding from you
We have forgotten why this hurt has happened; it has gone on too long
Our bodies so weak, our bones on show, so hungry for food
You had no compassion for the weak you hunted us down like dogs.
Some of us died like dogs, dead for your dinner.
Natural beauty lined the sky, a parade of colours reds, blues, and greens
This was something the devil couldn’t wipe from existence
We travelled along the lonesome road passing the weak
Passing the burnt out black grass
I remember the sweet smell of the newly cut grass
When the smell swept through my nostrils’ letting me remember it forever
The once bright and vibrant amusement arcade stood dead and ruined in the ground
Like the dying oak tree in the abandoned grave yard
We could hear echoes of the tunes from the rotten band stand
How I wanted to dance to forget the hurt, to hear music again would let me die happy
We could hear the sea crashing down upon the beaten sand
We had made it
Picnic benches that once held families so joyful, no worries when the next meal would come
Families dead in each other arms, they died in their sleep escaped from the worries
The sea once clear blue, and calm
The sea is now grey, and so mad with us it crashes down to try and clean the sand of death
The dark snuck in, the beach was where we couldn’t hide from you
Nowhere was truly safe
Flashbacks of times at the beach, kept our spirits high
Ships, boats and yachts get thrown around like a cat with yarn
We couldn’t hear any sound, no one to speak to again
To hear a bird chirp, to see a butterfly fly would complete my life before I die
Time to leave this life, time to say good bye, you’re after us, we have to leave
I remember the day when god opened his eyes
It was too late, to turn back time.
Answer :
Some good poetic ideas here, but my, you do go on.
I would go through taking out repetition and unnecessary words.
Third to last line: the first five words say it all; the rest is waffle.
Try shortening some lines for effect, eg.:
The sea is now grey, and so mad
With us it crashes down
To try and clean the sand of death
"Less is more" is a useful rule of thumb in poetry.
A few precise and well-chosen words work better than pulling out all the stops.
Answer :
Depressing, Boring, Rambling.Not for me.
Monday, April 5, 2010
When war broke out between Great Britain and France in 1793, President Washington?
When war broke out between Great Britain and France in 1793, President Washington
1) freedom of the seas
2) impressment of American sailors by the British
3) nationalism
4) abolition of slavery
Answer :
1) freedom of the seas
2) impressment of American sailors by the British
3) nationalism
4) abolition of slavery
Answer :
2. Impressment of American sailors by the British ultimately led to the War of 1812.
Are these songs any good?
they were written by some friends of mine and i'll need your opinions on whether or not these songs are any good, please state your likes, dislikes, and your criticisms
"The Sea" by "Just Ideas"
Verse 1
Floating through life on a raft made for one
I brought the time, but forgot my mind
The raft goes down a sea of life
I don't know who's it is, but I assume it's mine
The reflection shows a shadow of who I once was
Then the shadow grows and swallows the sea
No matter how far out this raft goes
And as for that, God only knows
But as far out as I speed
I can see an island of others behind me
Their joy swells into cacophony
A sound that is lovely to them, but sad for me
Where am I going?x2
Why am I here?x2
Verse 2
How I long to be on that island
I think I was there once long ago
Before life became evil, dreaded, my foe
When the world was still in front of me & I wasn't on the sea
when I didn't have a raft, there was just me
As I float down stream, cold and alone
I see another raft ahead, similar to my own
The girl on it is my age, whatever that may be
I've lost the years, while drifting on this sea
She takes my hand and abandons her raft
Now we're together, companionship alas.
But as we're going down this sea, another raft as I can see
Is speeding toward the island. There's no one on it, but it still charges
The girl releases my hand and jumps aboard it
She waves goodbye on her new raft
I'm alone again. Misery alas.
Verse 3
The days, months, years carry on
I shiver and shake, bitter and alone
I look in the sea and it appears that it's grown
Its vastness is vaster
Its darkness is darker
I go down this sea
More alone than ever
I shall continue this way forever
"Absolute Zero" by "Just Ideas"
Verse 1
Absolute Zero
We say wisdom is open to all
So then we are foolish
We say their ethics immoral
So then ours are most unscrupulous
They argue always, over who's the most right
And as they argue, they yell and they fight
Nothing is done, and nothing is right
But cannot they see, that we're all cold at night?
We question a lot
And we question these ways
While the animals rout
In their blind hazy daze
And so we left in a breeze
And we're all going to freeze
But cannot our thoughts
Bring us warmth in our dreams?
It's got to be this race
This world, this place
They've got it all wrong
just a meaningless song
And freedom is lost
In society's frost
With their morals they commit
An ultimate spite
Without thinking, they give thought fight
But they do not care
And so we escape
Absolute Zero
Alone, Cold In Space
Verse 2
Are there others out there?
Others like us?
Those with a knowledge despair
And who run from distrust?
Do they know where to go?
These alien beings
And the songs that they sing
Are of similar meaning?
From where do they come from?
From where do they hail?
What words, pleasant words do they hum?
They too did, escape from a wail?
And so they left in a breeze
And we're all going to freeze
But cannot our thoughts
Bring us warmth in our dreams?
It's got to be that race
That world, that place
They've got it all wrong
Just a meaningless song
And freedom is lost
In society's frost
With their morals they commit
An ultimate spite
Without thinking, they give thought fight
But they did not care
And so they escaped
Absolute Zero
Alone, Cold In Space
Verse 3
We had left from a world of rote and unlearning
We had left them to toil in useless group yearning
We weren't the abandoned, the lonely, the lost
It was them all along
Alone in the frost
They will die unpleasantly, at least unknowing
But those creatures, do not pity
For we left them and are going
We thought in our heart
That we were off at the start
But wrong not, we weren't
The fool is their part
We reach our destination
And do they reach there's?
And isn't it great, what a new land bears?
We see our freshly found world
But don't reach our destination
The beasts there seem old
Absolute Zero
We're Alone And We're Cold
Answer :
These are actually pretty good lyrics. But it is not a song. So many people make this mistake. Singing and lyrics are not such a major part of a song. The vocal line really acts to give a song variation. This will be a terrible song with bad instrumentation no matter how good the lyrics are.
It also needs a good melody to even make a vocal part. As far as the lyrics themselves go? Well They are pretty good. In the first song they need to make sure that chorus does not sound repetitive.
"The Sea" by "Just Ideas"
Verse 1
Floating through life on a raft made for one
I brought the time, but forgot my mind
The raft goes down a sea of life
I don't know who's it is, but I assume it's mine
The reflection shows a shadow of who I once was
Then the shadow grows and swallows the sea
No matter how far out this raft goes
And as for that, God only knows
But as far out as I speed
I can see an island of others behind me
Their joy swells into cacophony
A sound that is lovely to them, but sad for me
Where am I going?x2
Why am I here?x2
Verse 2
How I long to be on that island
I think I was there once long ago
Before life became evil, dreaded, my foe
When the world was still in front of me & I wasn't on the sea
when I didn't have a raft, there was just me
As I float down stream, cold and alone
I see another raft ahead, similar to my own
The girl on it is my age, whatever that may be
I've lost the years, while drifting on this sea
She takes my hand and abandons her raft
Now we're together, companionship alas.
But as we're going down this sea, another raft as I can see
Is speeding toward the island. There's no one on it, but it still charges
The girl releases my hand and jumps aboard it
She waves goodbye on her new raft
I'm alone again. Misery alas.
Verse 3
The days, months, years carry on
I shiver and shake, bitter and alone
I look in the sea and it appears that it's grown
Its vastness is vaster
Its darkness is darker
I go down this sea
More alone than ever
I shall continue this way forever
"Absolute Zero" by "Just Ideas"
Verse 1
Absolute Zero
We say wisdom is open to all
So then we are foolish
We say their ethics immoral
So then ours are most unscrupulous
They argue always, over who's the most right
And as they argue, they yell and they fight
Nothing is done, and nothing is right
But cannot they see, that we're all cold at night?
We question a lot
And we question these ways
While the animals rout
In their blind hazy daze
And so we left in a breeze
And we're all going to freeze
But cannot our thoughts
Bring us warmth in our dreams?
It's got to be this race
This world, this place
They've got it all wrong
just a meaningless song
And freedom is lost
In society's frost
With their morals they commit
An ultimate spite
Without thinking, they give thought fight
But they do not care
And so we escape
Absolute Zero
Alone, Cold In Space
Verse 2
Are there others out there?
Others like us?
Those with a knowledge despair
And who run from distrust?
Do they know where to go?
These alien beings
And the songs that they sing
Are of similar meaning?
From where do they come from?
From where do they hail?
What words, pleasant words do they hum?
They too did, escape from a wail?
And so they left in a breeze
And we're all going to freeze
But cannot our thoughts
Bring us warmth in our dreams?
It's got to be that race
That world, that place
They've got it all wrong
Just a meaningless song
And freedom is lost
In society's frost
With their morals they commit
An ultimate spite
Without thinking, they give thought fight
But they did not care
And so they escaped
Absolute Zero
Alone, Cold In Space
Verse 3
We had left from a world of rote and unlearning
We had left them to toil in useless group yearning
We weren't the abandoned, the lonely, the lost
It was them all along
Alone in the frost
They will die unpleasantly, at least unknowing
But those creatures, do not pity
For we left them and are going
We thought in our heart
That we were off at the start
But wrong not, we weren't
The fool is their part
We reach our destination
And do they reach there's?
And isn't it great, what a new land bears?
We see our freshly found world
But don't reach our destination
The beasts there seem old
Absolute Zero
We're Alone And We're Cold
Answer :
These are actually pretty good lyrics. But it is not a song. So many people make this mistake. Singing and lyrics are not such a major part of a song. The vocal line really acts to give a song variation. This will be a terrible song with bad instrumentation no matter how good the lyrics are.
It also needs a good melody to even make a vocal part. As far as the lyrics themselves go? Well They are pretty good. In the first song they need to make sure that chorus does not sound repetitive.
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