First the Spanish conquered the South then the French next Andrew Jackson then the civil war and Sherman's march to the sea. After that the Carpetbaggers took over the South then Northern Industrialists followed by Standard Oil of New York Jim Crow the depression Scheme KKK and the 1960's Freedom Fighters.
It's a long list of conquest; but the South is still unmoved
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Carpetbaggers and KKK both were democrat ideas
Not really
Greedy individules are like camilions they go from Red to Blue at the wave of a dollar
In the 1800's most of the slave owners were Northern Investers that controled the Stock Market and Cotton Industry But who took the blame average working class people. Indentured White Farm Worker
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Andrew Jackson? the French? The Spanish? You know nothing of history. The spanish settled Florida, then the south west. Texas Mexico, Arizona, California were settled by the Spanish. The french were taking Canada. They didn't conquered it, the settled it and it was taken from them. Andrew Jackson defeated the British in the war of 1812 just outside of New Orleans, out numbered 2 to 1, his troops only suffered a dozen casualties and 14 wounded.
Something to think about, It is better to keep your mouth closed and thought a fool than open it and remove all doubt>
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The south never had a strong industrial base during the times you mentioned. Some were a stretch by the way.
They do now. It would be much different.
No one can move the south on the question of their independence.
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Your history line here reflects "every 3 or 4 decades???"
How bout going back to school and brush up on math.
Then history.
Then Logic.
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A long tradition of ignoring history in favor of myth. Anyone that can ignore slavery as a factor in the Civil War while insisting it is all about States Rights can believe almost anything.
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Your "history" is very inaccurate...I suggest you go and study before trying to stir things up on YA!
In your case you're referring to the shift of star positions over time. It is true that star positions have shifted but that's almost irrelevant to zodiac calculation. The positioning of the signs wasn't really calculated by the stars' literal position anyway (otherwise, firstly, there would be 13 signs instead of 12 -- Ophiuchus is in the zodiac path.) Rather they are decided more by the sun's position in the sky.
As for matching the traits of both signs -- most astrology you'll find is just cold reading, where they tend to give personality profiles that will apply to anyone for all the signs. Chances are, you would 50% match descriptions for other signs too.
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You actually have three astrological signs. Your sun sign is the one that everyone knows about (determined based on the day you were born). But there is also your Moon sign (depending on the phase of moon when you were born) and your Rising sign (determined by what time you were born). There are charts online that show these signs. You have tratits of all three signs but often lean towards one of the three, making it your dominant sign.
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Astrology is more for fun than anything. I don't think your personality can be determined by when you were born. Also, it depends on which astrological calendar you go by if you're close to the break between signs. Astrology is so vague that it makes it so that you can find a way to agree with whatever tripe it gives you.
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Of course, if you are born on a cusp you will have characteristics and aspects of two zodiac signs. Also you have to add in your moon sign, rising sign, etc. We are more than just our sun sign.